The 1st China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum (2003 · Beijing)

Publish time:2003-04-28 Author:  Views:608次



The 1st China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum (2003 · Beijing)


Conference summary:

From April 18 to 20, 2003, the first China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum opened in Beijing. The theme of the first session was to discuss the issue of determining the status of private book industry and rectifying the name of private book industry, which mainly includes the following aspects: the current position and development trend of private book industry in China's book industry; the provisions and implementation date of private book industry's full access to the field of book distribution; the concept and time of full opening of book wholesale, and whether the pattern of China's book industry will change, the relationship between China's publishing industry and private book industry, how private book industry faces opportunities and challenges, how to strengthen management and improve competitiveness, how government departments support and manage private book industry, whether the state-owned Xinhua bookstore can draw lessons from the fast-growing and large-scale private book industry, the successful operation examples of private book industry at the present stage,and how to improve the competitiveness of China's private book industry and the development rules of the book industry after China's accession to the WTO.

This conference not only clarified the three stages of the development of private book industry, but also rationally analyzed the situation of the whole industry, the current situation, characteristics, difficulties and shortcomings of private enterprises themselves. The policies and regulations related to the publishing industry were the important aspects discussed at the conference, and also the most concerned issues of the representatives of private book industry.


Political representative:


Liu Bo, director of the Department of Publication Management of the General Administration of Press and Publication

Yu Cike, deputy director of the policy and regulation department of the General Administration of Press and Publication


Expert representatives:


Hao Zhensheng, deputy director of China Publishing Research Institute

Dai Jianzhong, deputy director and researcher of institute of sociology, Beijing Academy of Social Science


Corporate representatives:


Ren Zhihong - President of Zhihong Education Group, author of “Zhihong Education Group development journey & Private Book Industry management”

Li Guoqing, director of non state-owned committee of China Book Publishing Industry Association and co-president of Dangdang Books. Author of “Opportunities and challenges that private book industry are facing”



Industry representative:


Chen Zhihong, general manager of Shaanxi Xinhua Bookstore, author of “Characteristics of National bookstores and private owned bookstores and what can they learn from each other”


Guest speakers:

Liu Suli, general manager of Beijing Wansheng Book Park, author of “Looking forward to the emergence of business philosophy in book industry”, “Reading demand and the future of retail stores”

Luo Zichu, professor and doctoral director of school of information management, Wuhan University, author of “On the marketing strategy of private book industry from the perspective of the basic rules of WTO and its influence on the structure of China's book industry”