The 4th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2006 · Beijing)

Publish time:2006-04-22 Author:  Views:585次



The 4th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2006 · Beijing)



Conference summary:

The fourth China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum was held from September 19 to 21, 2006. In 2006, the field of publication in China was fully open to the outside world, and the reform of China's cultural system entered a new stage. The development of high-tech such as digitization brought challenges and opportunities to the traditional publishing industry. For the private book development industry, it is facing new situation and readjustment of development: how to strengthen the responsibility and plan the future of private book development industry in China, become the builder and new market subject of the unified open competition and orderly market, how to find the position, hold the strength, become an efficient marketer and strong competitor, how to abide by the law, standardize and regulate Management, become honest and trustworthy cultural people and healthy market order maintainer, how to deal with the impact of digital, grasp opportunities to meet challenges.

After more than 20 years of development, the private book publishing industry in China has undergone gratifying changes in healthy development. However, most private book issuing enterprises are obviously falling behind the state-owned publishing units in terms of management strategy, development rhythm, grasp of domestic and foreign book industry trends and information docking, and there are still some disadvantages such as competitive power, future oriented and sustainable development awareness neglected. The purpose of this meeting is to analyze and discuss the existing problems, with the aim of further promoting the development of private book industry in China.


Political Representatives:

Tan Wen - deputy director of Publication Division of the General Administration of Press and Publication , “deepen the reform of publishing system and promote the  development of private publishing enterprises”.


Expert Representatives:

Xue Ye - director of the non-state owned committee of China Development Association

He Shengsui - President of Fudan University Press “The publisher's cultural pursuit”

Bao Hong, “main conclusions of the report on development of private book industry in China”


Corporate Representatives:

Sun Chi, General Manager of Xiamen Photosynthesis Culture Communication Co., Ltd. "The power of culture -- on the construction of enterprise culture in chain bookstore"

Li Song - General Manager of Disanji Book Bureau: “Background and establishment management of Dashu City”

Zhou Jin - , vice president of Beijing Founder Electronics Co., Ltd, “Alliance of digital publishing development and book marketing”

Li Yong - General Manager of Kunming Xinzhi Book City Co., Ltd. “Exploration and ideas of cross provincial chain”


Industrial Representatives:

Ko Xiaowei - vice director of audio-visual and network publishing management division of the General Administration of Press and Publication


Guest Speakers:

Liu Xingyu - digibook digital publishing and research center of China Publishing and Research Institute, “click book" -- new generation interactive multimedia network publishing platform”

Ding Huiliang - General Manager of Shaoxing Zhejiang Humanities Book Co., Ltd. "Joint reorganization of private book issuing enterprises"

Xin Guangwei - , vice director of China Publishing Science Institute, “Analysis of the world's Chinese book industry market”