The 8th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2011 · Nanchang)

Publish time:2011-04-26 Author:  Views:503次



The 8th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2011 · Nanchang)




Conference summary:

The forum was held in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province from April 15 to 16, 2011. After the great development of the "Eleventh Five Year Plan", China's press and publishing industry has a dramatic rise. During the "Eleventh Five Year Plan" period, under the support and guidance of the government, private capital entered the publishing industry respectively. The state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and common development have become the new trend in the development of publishing industry. In the first year of the 12th Five Year Plan, state-owned and private enterprises are working hand in hand. In the context of great development and prosperity, the book industry presents a situation of great reshuffle and competition, in which “the strong gets stronger and the weak gets weaker”. At the 2011 national press and publication conference, the General Administration of press and publication states that "Development as first priority" and proposes to achieve the goal of total output of 2.94 trillion yuan and added value of 844 billion yuan by the end of the “12th Five Year Plan”. The promotion of the press and publication industry stands at a new starting point, and the development of the private book industry meets a new historical opportunity.

In this context, the theme of this forum is "new situation, new opportunities, new choices and new development", and the theme is to promote cooperation an development, hoping to further develop private book industry.


The 8th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2011 · Nanchang)participating leaders, guests and delegates group photo



Political representatives:

Zhu Shenglong, director of publication department of Jiangxi Provincial Press and Publication Bureau, “Thoughts and measures of Jiangxi Provincial Bureau for supporting the development of private book industry”


Expert representatives:

Xiao Dongfa, professor and doctoral director, School of Journalism and Communication, Peking University, “Issues about cultural construction in China”

Corporate representative:

Chen Dongxu, chairman of Golden Sun Education Group, “Development and operation plan of Jiangxi Golden Sun education group”


Industrial representatives:

Zeng Shaoxiong, general manager of Zhonghuatiandi Publishing Media Co., Ltd. "New opportunities: striving to achieve the combination of excellent private and state-owned enterprises -- Thinking on cooperation between state-owned listed publishing enterprises and private book industry under the new situation"

Liu Qiang, general manager of Beijing Education BJ edition Co., Ltd, “Capital cooperation between state-owned publishing and private publishing”


Guest speakers:

Hao Zhensheng, “Survey report on the development of China's private book industry in 2010”

Tang Xiaoping, chairman of Beijing Xiuyuan Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd, “Program collaborations between state-owned publishing and private publishing”

Photo Album:

Keynote speech by fan Weiping, then director of the Publishing Industry Development Department of the State Press and Publication Administration


Topic report By Hao Zhensheng, president of China Press and Publication Research Institute

Speech by Huang He, director of Jiangxi Provincial Press and Publication Bureau

President Wei Yushan and chairman Chen Dongxu donated Xinhua dictionary to rural primary school students in Yunnan, Guizhou and Guangxi on the ceremony 


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