The 9th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2012 · Shenyang)

Publish time:2012-04-12 Author:  Views:549次



The 9th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2012 · Shenyang)



Conference summary:

From April 6 to 8, 2012, the Ninth China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum was held in Shenyang, Liaoning Province. The theme of the forum is "seize the opportunity, promote development through diversity and innovation". The diversified situation of China's book industry and the discrepant trend of "the strong gets stronger, the weak gets weaker" are becoming more and more obvious: on the state-owned side, the collectivization of the publishing industry has promoted the industrial concentration and intensive management, and the living conditions of small and medium-sized enterprises are becoming more and more severe. On the private side, high-quality private companies have deepened their cooperation with large publishing groups, and resources have been gathered to several large companies, and the products of small companies have become less and less, so caused them in short of bestsellers. On the other hand, the traditional physical stores are impacted, the capital outside the industry is entering in a new form, the publishing digitization is advancing rapidly, and the management and cooperation conditions related to publishing are also being adjusted; with the deepening of cultural system reform, the activity and contribution of publishing cultural enterprises in the whole cultural industry are greatly improved, and the private book industry is also in the process of industrial structure and operation mode. There are important changes in many aspects, such as management structures, business transformation, credit system construction and quality improvement.

In 2012, the outline of the national cultural reform and development plan for the “12th Five Year Plan” period was issued. The outline proposed that by 2015, a cultural industry pattern with public ownership as the main body and multiple ownership developing together should be formed. 2012 is the starting year for the implementation of the strategy of "cultural power" proposed by the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, and also the key year for the orderly, healthy and sustainable development of private book industry in the face of many survival pressures. This meeting aims to implement the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee and the 12th Five year development plan of the national press and publishing industry. It not only discussed the traditional problems of the private book industry, such as the development of private teaching enterprises and digital publishing, but also paid more attention to the diversified development of private enterprises and the operation of industrial capital.


The 9th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2012 · Shenyang)participating leaders, guests and delegates group photo


Expert representatives:

Zhang Shixian, researcher and doctoral director of Institute of Economics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, President of China Economic Publishing House, “Culture, industry and private assets”

Chen Dongxu, chairman of Jiangxi Golden Sun Education Group, “ Future trend & strategic growth points of private educational textbook publishers” 


Corporate representatives:

Guan Yi, deputy general manager of Liaoning Hanwen Enterprise Group, “Industrial diversification extend practical report of Hanwen Enterprise Group”

Ren Zhihong, director of non-public committee of China Development Association and chairman of Zhihong Education Group, “The development and thoughts on private book industry in the new generation”


Guest Speakers:

Qi Jingyu, deputy director and doctor of Capital University of Economics and Trade, financial policy and Development Research Center, “Organizational diversification development strategies - Post crisis era”

Fang Xuemin, general manager of China Education Guofu (Beijing) Education Technology Co., Ltd, “Exploration on capital collaboration of private book industry”

Xie Guangcai, executive vice president of Chinese Online, “Chinese online digital publishing development practice” 

Hao Zhensheng  "2011 survey report on the development of China's private book industry" 

Photo Album:

The 9th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2012 · Shenyang) Opening Ceremony

Fan Weiping, director of the general office of the State Administration of press and publication, answering questions from delegates


Hao Zhensheng, President of China Press and Publication Research Institute giving speech