The 13th China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2016 · Chongqing)

Publish time:2016-05-15 Author:  Views:656次



The 13th  China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2016 · Chongqing)



Conference Summary: 
In 2016, the 13th private book industry summit forum was held in Chongqing, China. The theme of this forum is: “New Ideas, New Measures, New Development". 2016 is the first year of the “13th Five Year plan”, and China's private book industry has entered a new period with both challenges and opportunities.

In recent years, the state has created a more fair and reasonable policy environment for the development of non-public cultural enterprises, which is more conducive to long-term development: participating in the restructuring of state-owned cultural enterprises, granting digital publishing and foreign publishing franchises, favorable capital market, etc. private book industry and physical bookstores have carried out all-round innovation and reform in content, format, production mode and technology, and constantly expanded their personality. Many private bookstores and physical bookstores have put forward new overall development ideas and re-positioned their brand image. With flexible business philosophy and comprehensive market insight, private bookstores and physical bookstores have made great achievements in the field of book market, and many excellent private enterprises and physical bookstores with characteristics, connotation and potential have been recognized. It shows the further development and continuous rising space. A number of bench-marking private enterprises have stepped out of the way for the new space of private book industry, including those who seek breakthroughs in technology by enhancing the technical content of digital publishing, new media and other fields, those who seek breakthroughs in business model by changing product sales to reading services, those who establish the most beautiful bookstores to promote nationwide reading and achieve new development, and those who implement diversified share management and seek mixed ownership, they are those who seek breakthroughs in management and mechanism, those who land on the "new third board" and the growth enterprise market, help enterprises upgrade with capital, and those who set up community, run factories overseas and seek breakthroughs in international competition with the goal of exporting products and culture. All these show the innovation ability, development and responsibility of private book industry.


The 13th  China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2016 · Chongqing)participating leaders, guests and delegates group photo

1. Keynote speech

Famous CCTV host

Bai Yansong


2. Keynote speech

Chen Xingwu, Party Secretary of Chongqing Publishing Group


3. Development and concept of Chongqing Wuzhou Century Cultural Industry Group

Xu Dengquan, chairman of Chongqing Wuzhou Century Cultural Industry Group


4. Keynote speech

Mao Wenfeng, chairman of Jiangsu Keyi Cultural Industry Group Co., Ltd


5. New trend and development of Educational Publishing

Wei Xin, chairman of Beijing Quyixian Book Planning Co., Ltd


6. Keynote speech

Ma Xiaofeng, chairman of Beijing Zifeng Culture Development Co., Ltd

7. Keynote speech

Chen Dingfang, Guangdong Xueeryou Book Culture Development Co., Ltd


8. Cultural crowdfunding in the field of Internet and publishing

Jiang Fan, publishing and entertainment partner of


9. Keynote speech

Tang Chao, chairman of Longyuan Journal


10. Keynote speech

Wang Xiaodong, chairman of Xinhua Pioneer


11. Make bookstore with a free spirit

San Shi - Senior publisher, press                   


12. Reading season and the development opportunity of private book industry

Xu Shengguo

China Press and Publishing Research Institute director

Citizen Reading Research Center director                     



Photo Album:

The 13th  China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2016 · Chongqing)Main Venue


The 13th  China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum(2016 · Chongqing)Main Venue