Training sessions for store managers of Sino-Japanese bookstores International Exchange Seminar on children's picture & literal books

Publish time:2021-03-22 Author:  Views:714次

Beijing Poplar Culture Project Co., Ltd.

ZXLH (Beijing) International Cultural Exchange Co.,Ltd



Training sessions for store managers of Sino-Japanese bookstores

International Exchange Seminar on children's picture& literal books




1. Seminar introduction:

Name: 2018 training of store manager of Sino-Japanese bookstore

International Exchange Seminar on children's picture & literal books

Co-sponsored by:
Beijing Poplar Culture Project Co., Ltd

ZXLH (Beijing) International Cultural Exchange Co., Ltd
China Association of Books and Periodicals Development Non state-owned Book Industry Committee

Japanese children's Publishing House
Shanghai Zhongshuge
Hangzhou Xiaofeng Bookstore
Hangzhou Fenglinwan Bookstore
Hangzhou Pure Age Bookbar
Special consultants:
Xu Dengquan, director of China Association of Books and Periodicals Development Non state-owned Book Industry Committee
Li Dawei, former director of China Press and Publication Research Institute, senior publishing expert
San Shi, senior publisher, bookstore planning and marketing expert
Ikuko Ishikawa, director and general manager of Beijing Poplar Culture Project Co., Ltd

2. Background

In recent years, a large number of new bookstores have appeared. Unlike traditional bookstores, these bookstores are located in various shopping malls and important areas, with beautiful space, elegant style and rich content. They are full of book fragrance and artistic flavor, which brings unprecedented aesthetic experience and reading experience to the public. Meanwhile, bookstore managers who understand the operation of new bookstores and meet the market demand is extremely in short. In this regard, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Shanghai, Tokyo and Kyoto are the cities which can provide good business samples for the bookstores around the globe.


According to the report on China Book retail market in 2017, the total size of China's book retail market in 2017 was 80.32 billion yuan, which continued the growth momentum in recent years. According to the data, children's publications are still the main driving force of market growth, the original report of Dangdang Books published recently also shows that the rapid growth of 60% of Dangdang Books in 2017, including children's literature, children's picture books and children’s encyclopedia. With the rapid expansion of the market for children's books, many publishers aim at this particular field, set up institutions, plan topics, and carry out new business of children's picture books and children's books. Some experts in children's books said in an interview that the publication of children's books should pay attention to the content in the end.  if the manpower cannot keep up with it, the quality of the book will be damaged. "The publishing house and the book planning company still have to make some efforts on it.".



3. Related Matters

In order to provide the physical bookstore manager , the study and training opportunities, to grasp the situation, lay a solid foundation, enter the role, clarify the responsibilities, enhance their ability and to grow. After our investigation, we hereby inform the following about the  training and international exchange matters:

(1)Outline of seminar

a. Purpose of seminar

To provide a training opportunity for store managers and book editors, create a platform for professional talents, to gain a better understanding of the international situation, master the responsibilities of bookstores, be familiar with the functions of store managers and children's book editors, broaden international visions and improve their professional abilities.


b. Study methods:

Classroom lectures, exchange discussions, bookstore tours.


(2)Trip Duration:

a. Time: June 20-29, 2018 (10 days);


b. Location: Hangzhou China (4 days). Tokyo Japan (6 days).


(3) Scope of participation

a. Store managers and probationary store managers from China and Japan, and heads of libraries, children's libraries and picture book libraries.

b. Heads of children and education press from China and Japan, picture books and children's books editors.


4. Schedule:

(1) Key content (Hangzhou, China)

Bookstore series

a. The business soul of bookstores

b. The establishment and development of bookstores

c. Management and operation of bookstores

d. Style setup and book display in bookstores

e. Activity planning and branding of bookstore

f. Responsibilities and requirements of store managers, foremen, accountants and shop assistants

g. Book import, sales requirements and sales composition of bookstores


Children's books series

a. The general situation of children's books publishing in China

b. The topic selection and innovation of children's books

c. The publication of children's books in China from the data of children's book market sales


Bookstore tours

Hangzhou Zhongshuge, Xiaofeng bookstore, Fenglinwan bookstore, Pure Age Book bar,Gao Xiaosong Xiaoshu bookstore


(2) Guest Speakers (Hangzhou, China)

a. Senior publisher, bookstore planning and marketing expert

b. Chief editor of well-known children's libraries

c. Book market information consulting company

d. Founders, chairmen and store managers of bookstores

e. Hong Kong media experts and senior publishing experts

f. Managers of Xinhua Bookstore

g. Professors in colleges and universities


(3) Key content (Tokyo & Kyoto, Japan)

Bookstore series

a. The development process and trend of Japanese bookstore industry

b. Under what kind of circumstances is the establishment of TSUTAYA BOOKS in the process of industrial development

c. Brand orientation and strategy of TSUTAYA BOOKS

d. layout ideas and specific conditions of each subordinate chain bookstore of TSUTAYA BOOKS

e. Current position of TSUTAYA BOOKS in the industry

f. Operation and management of TSUTAYA BOOKS

g. Description of books and other commodities in the TSUTAYA BOOKS

h. The proportion of books sales of TSUTAYA BOOKS

i. Store styling and decorations of TSUTAYA BOOKS

j. Book stocking and promotion of TSUTAYA BOOKS

k. Introduction to the specific operation cases of TSUTAYA BOOKS

l. Staffing and position management of TSUTAYA BOOKS

m. Management of customer membership system of TSUTAYA BOOKS

n. Introduction to the hundred years' history of Maruzen Bookstore

o. Introduction to the modern operation experience of Maruzen Bookstore

p. The relationship between Maruzen Bookstore and modern Chinese litterateurs such as Lu Xun, Zhou Zuoren, Yu Dafu, Guo Moruo, etc


Children's books series

a. Enjoy the picture book reading time

b. Selection and planning of children's books

c. Editing innovation of children's books


Bookstore tours:

TSUTAYA BOOKS, Maruzen Bookstore (Japan), Baiyang Publishing House (China)


(4) Guest Speakers (Tokyo & Kyoto, Japan)


b. Owner of Maruzen Bookstore

c. Executive of Baiyang Publishing House

d.  Japanese picture book expert

e.  Senior editor of Japanese children's book




Training secretariat for store managers of Sino-Japanese bookstores International Exchange Seminar

ZXLH (Beijing) International Cultural Exchange Co.,Ltd


Invitation of the Second Phase of Training Sessions for Store Managers of Sino-Japanese Bookstore


All physical bookstores, online bookstores, publishing houses, book companies, and relevant enterprises:


The development of bookstore is not a pure sense of bookstore revival, the traditional style bookstore has been going on a downtrend, the new bookstore is "the cultural form in the context of new consumption", "bookstore +" and "culture +" have become the common mode of the development of new bookstores.


The physical bookstores should not only be “popular” but also "to live". The long-term development of the bookstore must rely on its own transformation and the recognition of society and market. This requires the bookstore field to seek new, change, innovation, pursue higher angle, come out new ideas, learn lessons, constantly explore, to bring better development for bookstores.


The Japanese bookstore TSUTAYA BOOKS which founded in 1983 provides great samples for the industry. When the “closing tide” appears in the physical bookstore worldwide, the bookstore of TSUTAYA BOOKS has grown up against the trend. It changes the traditional way from the aspects of concept, direction, operation, scope, content, form, service and external architectural design, shop layout, lighting color and sales content, and seamlessly connects with the actual needs and readers' psychology. Up to now, there are more than 1400 store branches, 50% citizens in Japan hold the T-card (TSUTAYA membership card) issued by the bookstore. Their number of members reached 60million, and the monthly activity is over 50million. The members’ highest age group up to 90s-year-old.


From 2011 to 2017, the turnover of TSUTAYA BOOKS has repeatedly defeat its own record in Japan, its revenue occupies 90% of Japanese bookstores’ total revenue, the representative Daikanyama store also led the development of the business circle, creating its own new legend, known as the "Library in the forest".


The management mode of TSUTAYA BOOKS has subverted the traditional bookstore management concept and led the bookstore to a new era of innovation. During the research of international bookstores, we have established a good cooperation relationship with other international famous organizations such as TSUTAYA BOOKS. In June 2018, the first phase of the training was successfully held in Hangzhou, China and Tokyo, Japan. The training of the store managers focused on practicing, and went into all aspects of bookstores. Store managers who attended the training sessions gave their great compliments in the end.


Recently, many private book industry heads and physical bookstore store managers expressed their initiatives to continue this program. Upon the requests, we decided to organize the second phase of this international training for the store managers of Sino-Japanese bookstores. Throughout 8 days, we arranged a trip to Osaka, Kyoto and Tokyo Japan, conducted comprehensive training about leadership, and went deep into the observation and explanation of various characteristic series of TSUTAYA BOOKS, and made in-depth investigations on the operation and development of different bookstores.


This schedule will create opportunities for the bookstore managers, publishing colleagues and private book industry to have a thorough insight of how are the top bookstores in the world succeeded. So as to give full inspiration to their own business development.



Following are the detailed information of the second phase:


1.General Information


The second international in-depth training for the store managers of Sino-Japanese bookstores


Well-known entity bookstore alliance

The Secretariat of international research and training for the store managers of Chinese and Japanese bookstores

ZhongXin LanHang (Beijing) International Cultural Communication Co.,Ltd

Special guidance:

Founder of famous physical bookstore alliance

Co-founder of China Private Book Industry Development Summit Forum

Li Dawei, Deputy Secretary General of China Audio-Visual and Digital Publishing Association

Organized and undertaken by:
2018 Sino-Japanese Bookstore Store Manager International Training Secretariat


2. Trip Schedule:

(1) Time and place of study

a. Time: September 30-oct.7, 2019 (8 days);

b. Location: Osaka, Kyoto, Tokyo, Japan.

(2) Eligible appliers

a. Founders, chairmen and general managers of bookstores;

b. Store managers, probationary store managers and elected representatives of bookstores;

c. The heads of the sales & storage departments in the press.

d. Successors of chairman of private book industry enterprises -


Photo Album:


Sino-Japanses bookstore CEOs training - children's books and literal books 

International Communication Exchange  (Hangzhou)

Xiaofeng Bookshop founder, Zhu Yufang giving her speech (Hangzhou)

Fenglinwan Bookstore branch venue (Hangzhou)

Fenglinwan bookstore branch venue guests photos (Hangzhou)

Pure Age Book bar branch venue guests photo (Hangzhou)

Poplar Co.,Ltd branch venue (Japan)