China · Taishan Press and Publishing Town

Publish time:2017-12-15 Author:  Views:674次


China · Taishan Press and Publishing Town


Taishan Press and Publishing Town Airview picture


1. Start

On December 9, 2017, guided by the Chinese Publishing Association, the Chinese Press and Publication Research Institute, China News and Publishing Media Group and Shandong Provincial Bureau of Press, Publication, Radio and Television. Organized by the government, and the Management Committee of Tai’an High Tech Zone, The Bureau of Culture, Broadcasting and New Technology of Tai'an and the Bureau of Economic Cooperation of Tai'an City. The construction of Taishan Press and Publishing town project was announced at the first Press and Publication Service Conference (China Tai'an).

2. Location

Taishan Press and Publishing town is located in Tai’an national high tech zone. Near the cross-point of Beijing-Shanghai railway, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway, Beijing-Taiwan, Beijing-Shanghai and Qingdao-Lanzhou highway, which are important transportation hub and logistics centers in eastern China. Able to arrive at Beijing in 2 hours, Shanghai in 3 hours through Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed railway, with population of 600 million people, which contains huge market potential.


3. Planning

Taishan press and publishing town is divided into two districts: North and south, with the planned land of 10000 mu (Approx 6.7km²). It will be planned to build one library and three centers: Press and Publication Museum, International Press and Publication Exhibition Center, International Publication Trading Center, Taishan Press and Publishing Town Exhibition Center. One institute and three bases: Technical Institute of Press and Publication, National Publishing Practice Base of Higher Education, National Press and Publishing Training Base, Entrepreneurship Incubation Base. Meanwhile, administrative office area, logistics storage area, publishing and distribution area, expert office area, commercial service area, medical center, international school area and other relevant work and living facilities. It will become the largest press and publishing characteristic town and an industrial flagship around the globe.


4. Push forward

The construction of Taishan Press and Publishing town aligns with the national cultural development strategies, providing a connecting platform for the deconstruction of non-capital functions. The press and publishing organizations and cultural enterprises have a wide range of advantages in strengthening and enlarging their development. On July 2, 2018, the leaders of China Publishing Association arrived at Tai'an for a return visit, and discussed with relevant comrades and senior executives of Tai’an Municipal Government, Municipal Bureau of Culture,  high tech zone and Tai’an town operating units. On July 6th, a strategic agreement was signed with the regional government to ensure that Taishan Press and Publishing town gains great attention as a national press and publishing base construction project.


5. Progress

At present, the settled organizations and units in Taishan Press and Publishing town are as follows:

(1) The party secretary, chairman and general manager of China News and Publishing Media Group came to be the first organization to settle in. The organization became the very first organization to establish a reading and promoting center in the town. Followed by the exhibition hall of "Top 50 popular books" project. Thirdly, the events hosted by the organization such as "Red Sofa", "Raise awareness of reading in China" and "Reading Guide for mothers" are also to be held in the town. Fourth, they are about to build their own business offices to carry out the work.

(2) After the application and approval of Encyclopedia Press of China, there were 5 centers approved to be build in the town, they are : Publication proofreading Center, Data Analysis Center, Layout Design Center, Youth Education&Research Center and intelligent robot research&development center. Also, project on building staff offices, management offices, meeting rooms, central tech rooms, reception rooms, data rooms and financial rooms are already on its way.

The leading group of the Information Research Institute of Machinery and China Machine Press went to Taishan Press and Publishing town for field investigation, eventually they decided to purchase 100-150 mu land for their own commercial use:

Academic writing base of Chinese academy of engineering, national mechanical engineering science library, China youth’s science and technology museum.

And 195mu land as industrial land:

Editing center, digital printing center, modern three-dimensional logistics base and national mechanical engineering training center. In october2019, the first batch of 163 mu land has finished bidding and it has proceeded to the stage of design and construction.

(3) In July 2019 and July 2020, the party secretary, president and assistant president of Beijing Printing College, president of International Education College, president of press and publishing college, president of the school of continuing and vocational education, director of education department and director of comprehensive office of the school visited Taishan town twice in a row, and decided to establish Publishing and Media College (Taishan Campus) under the name of Beijing Printing College and the framework agreement on government cooperation has also been signed with Tai’an municipal school. 


(4) Projects of different organizations have started successively, including 100 mu for Beijing Times Tianhua Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., 300 mu of Beijing Rentian Bookstore Co., Ltd. (15 publishers have joined), and 100 mu for Longyue cultural media.


(5) From March to April 2019, People's Literature Press, People's Art Press and People's music Press visited Taishan town for field investigation, and proposed to build an important project such as writers base + literature exhibition hall for Chinese famous writers' manuscripts, artists' creation base + Art Gallery, music artist creation base + music hall.


(6) On September 6, 2019, the chairman of Beijing Zifeng Cultural Development Co., Ltd signed for admission to the town. 297.6 mu of land has entered the stage of preparation for bidding and auction.


(7) On September 11, 2019, the chairman of Houlang publishing (Beijing) Consulting Co., Ltd. visited the town, and 126 mu of land was reserved.


(8) On September 2020, more than 200 mu of land was reserved to China Water Conservancy and Hydropower Press.


(9) From December 2018 to December 2019, more than 1600 people,over 300 batches of units and enterprises including news and publication, digital publishing and cultural companies all over the country visited Taishan town.


Taishan news publishing town has planned 9798 mu of land, and various projects have been started.


The foundation of "Tai’an Tianhua Education and Publishing base" of Beijing Wuzhou Times Tianhua Cultural Communication was started in September 2019, and the first phase of the project was completed and opened on October 29, 2020.


In 2018, the first batch of "Taian Rentian bookstore" of the wholly-owned subsidiary of Beijing Rentian Bookstore Group Co., Ltd. settled in September 2019. The first phase of "Rentian Park" with 200000 square meters of storage, logistics, office and R & D base was completed in December 2020.


The foundation of Longyue culture and media company was started in November 2019, and the main structure of the first phase project was completed in digital printing workshop, editing workshop and office building.


On November 7, 2020, the leading multi-disciplinary and multimedia comprehensive publishing media group in China - digital publishing of Machinery Industry Press and the commencement of modern logistics started off their projects in Taishan town, which are Industrial Science Museum, mechanical engineering training center and academician writing base, etc.

The five centers established by encyclopedia press of China, including content proofreading, data processing, typesetting design, youth encyclopedia science popularization, encyclopedia intelligent robot research and development, have been established and operated in Taishan news publishing town.

The Taishan news publishing town base project of China Water Conservancy and Hydropower Publishing Group is determined, and another national publishing group will be start off their project soon.

Beijing Printing College - the Tai'an Research Institute of Beijing Printing College and teaching practice base of Beijing Printing Institute, which is famous as the only school in China that specializes in cultivating talents for the whole industry chain of publishing media, is also about to set up their base in the town. The preparation of "Taishan publishing and Media College of BJ Printing College" is actively pushing forward.

The reading promotion center of China News and publication media group and “Top 50 Popular books” project voted by the public have been established in Taishan town permanently, and relevant work has been carried out.

A number of important projects, including academicians, writers, artists, musicians' creative bases, science museum, literature museum, art gallery and music hall, are on their ways. The magnificence of nature, science and humanity in China will be gathered in Taishan town!

Printing museums, press and publication Museum, press and publication building, press and publication Exhibition Center, star hotels, professional publishing training center, business services, medical education and supporting living facilities will also be built respectively.

Taishan news publishing town has a rapidly growing foundation and steadily improved capacity. Settled enterprises are fastly increasing and the construction speed will be further accelerated.

The Ministry of publicity, China Publishing Association, press and publication institutions and the competent departments of Shandong Province also offered important guidance, affirmation and support to Taishan town.


Liu Binjie, member of the 17th Central Committee, the chairman of the education and cultural and Health Committee of the 12th National People's Congress, the former director of the General Administration of press and publication, the director of the State Copyright Bureau and the director of the China Publishing Association, pointed out that the CPC Tai'an Municipal Committee and the municipal government have a high degree of cultural consciousness and have  been considering cultural construction as an important part of the socialism with Chinese characteristics pushing forward. In recent years, it has given great support to the project of news and publishing town, in the aspect of cultural construction and development.

Wu Shulin, member of the 12th CPPCC, member of the Party group and deputy director of the former State Administration of press and publication, member and deputy director of the former State Administration of press, publication, radio and television, and vice president of the China Publishing Association, pointed out that three years ago, the CPC Municipal government of Tai'an City had a long-term vision, seized the opportunity of Beijing to dredge the capital function, and called out the construction plan of Taishan town. Over the past three years, it has attracted the participation of many famous publishing enterprises in China, and the whole town has been well built.

Tai’an municipal Party committee municipal government, Publicity Department of CPC Municipal Committee and municipal development and Reform Commission stated that Taishan town as the key project of the city, and has been recorded into the mayor's government report for three consecutive years in 2018, 2019 and 2020. The report says entrepreneurs in town are serving the industry and making great contributions.


The construction and development of the town has attracted wide attention from domestic and foreign industries and received compliments from international guests who attended the first, second and third international press and publishing cooperation conferences.

The construction of Taishan news publishing town follows the national cultural development strategy. In order to stimulate the development of the press and publishing institutions and cultural enterprises.

On June 26, 2020, “the Circular of the general office of the national development and Reform Commission on the publication of typical experience and warning cases of characteristic towns was issued in Document No. 481 of the planning of NDRO” (2020), and Taishan news and publishing town was listed in “20 typical experience towns in the country”. The construction experience of Taishan news publishing town is introduced and promoted by authorized media such as Xinhuanet, People's daily and Economic daily.

On October 26, 2020, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the party was held in Beijing. The plenary session made a plan and design on cultural construction from a strategic and overall perspective, and set up a schedule for building a cultural oriented nation.

The publishing industry plays a fundamental role in cultural power. As the largest and only press and publishing characteristic town and industrial flagship in the world, Taishan Press and Publishing town will provide positive contributions to our country with broad vision, big goals and extraordinary performance.



  Taishan Press and Publishing Town Sand Table Demonstration


The First Press and Publication Service Conference (2017· Tai'an China)
Speech at the project conference of Taishan Press and Publishing Town

Wu Shulin, vice president of China Publishing Association



Dear mayor Xixin, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

good morning!

I am very glad to attend the first press and publication cooperation conference of Tai'an in Shandong Province. 
First of all, I would like to express my warm congratulations on behalf of the China Forum on the opening of the conference and the press conference of Taishan Press and Publishing town. I would like to express sincere respect and thanks to all the leading comrades and guests who have worked hard to prepare for this work! Through this opportunity, I’ll precisely evaluate and give some suggestions on how to promote the construction of Taishan town.
I think it is a good idea for comrades of Taishan Municipal Committee, municipal government and press and publishing circles to do well in Service Conference and release the town's establishment. I wish the meeting a successful one and wish the town a prosperous development. Why am I saying it’s a promising project? We all know that the current international information technology revolution is having a major impact on the press and publishing industry, In the 19th national congress of the Communist Party of China, I suggest that the publishing industry should pay great attention to it. The 19th National Congress brought out economic globalization, cultural diversity and social information together. As an opportunity for the development of news and publication, social informatization and media attention are important research results in recent years, and also have a significant impact on the future development involving politics With the rapid growth of computer technology in economy, science and technology, culture, education and even social life, computer technology can accurately describe social phenomena, analyze social phenomena and guide all aspects of social development. The 19th National Congress of China has made accurate interpretation of this matter, hoping that this will be paid attention to. I think that the development of service conferences and the construction of small towns should be considered in accordance with the requirements of the 19th National Congress. I think that serving the conference and serving the town is exactly the trend. Therefore, it is suggested that comrades in the publishing industry and Comrade Tai'an should do a good job of this article and put this good idea into practice.
My second evaluation is that now there is a promising plan in our hand, also good projects and good methods. By this conference, in the form of international and domestic forums, we gather ideas and implement the project with the development of our town. I think it is a good embodiment of spirit of the 19th National Congress. President Xi Jinping pointed out clearly in the 19th National Congress report that great dreams should be achieved through countless struggles, great projects and solid work. The achievement of great dreams is never easy, as said “no pains no gains”. It is very meaningful for us to grasp the construction of characteristic towns to promote the prosperity and development of the national publication.
Thirdly, I consider it a great opportunity to achieve our goal under the gorgeous Mount Tai and the hometown of our respectful ideologist Confusious. I sincerely hope that we will keep on this good work just like our ancestors, with strong ambition and determination. I strongly believe we got this and so does the China Press Association, we as the services backup will try our best to offer our assistance too.
Here are some of my suggestions that I thought would be helpful:
First thing first, I hope that the town construction should absorb the experience of ancient and modern times, and make the construction of the town and the cultural development and publishing prosperity our own sake. Throughout the prosperity of publishing in Chinese history, a fairly interesting phenomenon shows that the major publishing city is not always the capital, for example Chengdu was the publishing center in China trace back to the Southern Song Dynasty,. Afterwards. Jianyang in Fujian also, has once become our publishing center. Because Jianyang city is far away from our capital city Beijing publishing was integrated with its local education and culture; Sichuan publishing in Song Dynasty once created the world's publishing prosperity, also developed the copyright laws and was written in the Song Dynasty legislation. When we are building this town, I suggested we learn from the experience and wisdom of ancient China, with a strong spirit and determination, and building it into an important and influential publishing culture in the contemporary era. This is not only our experience, but also many famous publishing companies in the world, whose headquarters are located in small towns instead of their major cities. Such as American Reader’s Digest, its headquarter was far away from the noisy political and cultural centers, but they were not so far from the capital. Another example was  since the end of last century, Bertelsmann, which is a very famous company in the world, was  settled in the small German town called Jutslow. After World War II, the United States has decided to transform New York into a world scientific, technological and cultural center, and planned to bring in the headquarters of world famous publishing companies to New York. Meanwhile,they established logistics centers, distribution centers and printing centers in New Jersey. We should learn from these important international experiences. We hope that our town can derive the wisdom from ancient and modern times as well as foreign countries , to study the ideology that becomes our real business spirits and methods to help build our town. The ideas that get people’s admiration will attract more people to participate.
Secondly, we should seize the revolutionary opportunity of information technology, look ahead, set our goals with great ambitions, implement our new technologies and new ideas to build our town. We neither welcome the undeveloped production, nor the ones that have been abandoned elsewhere and cost high profit to settle in. On the one hand, we should grasp the good opportunity of “Capital Relief” brought us, we need to have our leading projects, high-tech projects that representing the characteristics of our time, I hope we can do this together. I am very glad to see that Liu Guohui of encyclopedia press has come with his team, he told me their thoughts last night about some important projects of encyclopedia that are about to put on implementation in the town. My suggestion is don’t forget to adjust to the actual realistic conditions when doing so.
Besides the abundant ancient cultural and modern resources, Taian is a place where contains  more than 200,000 college students, which is a great talent market for our project, the local people here have great quality , they are honest, hardworking and resilient. Thousand years ago, Confucius had been tried hard to publicize his ideas. Many emperors scoffed him. But he still carried on with all his efforts. We hope to have a spirit as such and consider the advanced technology and creative ideas as the foundation of our town. Why Confucius had such a profound influence today? The advanced culture at that time was not only about the fresh ideas. Combing the new technology and tradition is the key, as I said that the world social informatization is strongly affecting all aspects of our society. If we implement this concept to build our town, I think it may be a little difficult to develop. If we think further away, take our move as early as possible, gain the most up-to-date technology today, I believe there will be more opportunities coming towards us.

We should call out in the publishing industry to consider the construction of the town as their own business, as their own affairs, and together we build a close connection with Tai’an. We are one and together we can make things happen, and form a win-win type of cooperation to develop our town in the long run.
Finally, I sincerely wish the town a prosperous and magnificent future, thank you!
9 December 2017


1. Wu Shulin, former deputy director of the General Administration of press and publication, deputy director of the State Administration of press, publication, radio, television, and currently the executive vice president of the China Publishing Association.


2. Text arranged according to the records of the conference.


Photo Album:


Taishan Press and Publishing Town -- a national characteristic town



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