The First Cultural and Creative Products Expo in Cultural Publishing Field (2021·Tai'an)

Publish time:2021-10-28 Author:  Views:623次



The First Cultural and Creative Products Expo

in Cultural Publishing Field (2021·Tai'an)


Guided by: The Publishers Association of China /China Xinhua Bookstore Association/ Tai’an Municipal People's Government


Sponsored byPropaganda Department of CPC Tai’an Municipal Committee/Management Committee of Tai'an High Tech Industrial Development Zone/ Tai’an Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism


Organized byShandong Da’an Development Group/Shandong Huayue Technology & Culture Industry Co.,Ltd/Beijing Shuyouzhijia Culture Communication Co.,Ltd


Special Invited: China Machine Press/Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication - Tai’an Research Institute/Konica Minolta (China) Co.,Ltd


Co-organized by: People's Literature Publishing House/China Communications Press Co.,Ltd/National Library of China Publishing House/Jiyi Yinxiang (Beijing) Cultural Development Co., Ltd/Liaoning Top Creation Culture Co.,Ltd/Liaoning Jinpu Culture Media Co., Ltd/Shandong Fine Arts Publishing House/21st Century Publishing Group/Huazhong University of Science & Technology Press Co.,Ltd/Hubei Xinhua Bookstore Group·Hubei·BestU Culture and Creativity Co.,Ltd/Xi’an Xinhua Bookstore/Beijing Chisujunyue Culture Spreading Co.,Ltd/Jinan Yiyoumei Culture Media Co.,Ltd/Hubei Zhihe Space Design Co.,Ltd/Shenzhen Fengxing Exhibition Co.,Ltd/Shiyan Wudang Mountain Cultural Creativity Co.,Ltd/Shanxi DNA Printing Services Co.,Ltd/Shandong Vikko Paper Industry Co., Ltd


Media: Xinhua News Agency/Guangming Daily/China Press and Publishing Media Group/China Publishing & Media Journal/Dazhong Daily /Tai’an Radio and TV Station/Tai’an Daily



In Exhibition Hall 





            October 13th-14th, 2021


        Blossom Hotel · Tai'an Shandong

Exhibitors Arrival

                   October 11th

Attendees Arrival

                   October 12th 

October 13th A.M


   All attendees visit exhibition hall 


   Opening Ceremony


  1. Play Press and Publishing town        Promotion video


  Host introduces VIP guests


2. Press and Publishing town Introduction 

Guests:  Gao Jianxi 

Chairman of Shandong Da'an Development Group Co.,Ltd 

Chairman of Shandong Huayue Technology Culture Industry Co.Ltd 



3. Speech

Song Hongyin, executive vice mayor of Tai'an Municipal People's Government
Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Tai'an Municipal Committee


4. Speech

Wu Shulin

Chairman of China Publishing Association   



 5. Launching Ceremony 



 6. Exhibition Tour

 7. Products Showcase, Commerial talks

October 13th P.M


2. Press and Publishing Town Tour 


3. Host: Fan Jun

Vice chairman of China book and Periodical Distribution Industry Association

Former vice president of China Press and Publication Research Institute  



(1)Themed Speech


Title: new cultural form / new T-shaped structure and new trend in China

Guest:  Jin Yuanpu
Member of the expert group on the outline of Chinese cultural development issued by the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee. Director of Institute of cultural and creative industries, Renmin University of China


2. Promotion Video Play

a.China Communications Press Co.,Ltd

b.China Machine Press

c.National Library of China Publishing House

d.21st Century Publishing Group

e.Shanxi Xinhua Bookstore

f.Hubei Xinhua Bookstore Group

Hubei·BestU Culture and Creativity Co.,Ltd

g.Xi'an Xinhua Bookstore

h.Beijing Chisujunyue Culture Spreading Co.,Ltd
i. Jinan Yiyoumei Culture Media Co.,Ltd

j. Hubei Zhihe Space Design Co.,Ltd/

k.Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication 


 (3)Publishing Field I:  Creative Products Forum


Title: Exploration and practice of developing cultural and creative products

Guest: Le Qi, President of Machinery Industry Press   


Title: Adhering to the original intention of publishing higher education

Innovation and development of service culture industry
Guest: Peng Hong
Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Beijing Institute of printing  


Title: the potential of publishing culture and innovation—— Cultural and creative case sharing of people's Literature Publishing House

Guest: Kuang Rui, Director of cultural and Creative Department of people's Literature Publishing House


Title: Tap the value of original animation and make IP operation "live"

Guest: Zhao Yun,Book Project Department of 21st Century Publishing House



                               October 14th A.M

                 4. Publishing Field: Creative Products Forum II
     Mu Hongzhi      

 Director of China publishing media

  business news publishing center


Host introduces guests 


Title:My dream on Creative Products 

Guest: Hou Dongqing

China Light Industry Press · memory impression (Beijing)

Manager of Cultural Development Co., Ltd


Title: How to build high-quality cultural and creative bookstores in Colleges and Universities

Guest: Ding Pu, manager of Jiusi bookstore of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Press


Title: Creativity, let classics live in the present

Guest: Zhang Lichao, general manager of Beijing Guotu Innovation Culture Service Co., Ltd             



                          5. Xinhua Creative Products Forum


Title: Bei Yue, discover the beauty of culture and life —— R & D and operation of Beiyue cultural innovation

Guest: Zhu Penghong
Hubei Xinhua Bookstore Group
Deputy general manager of Hubei Beiyue culture and creativity Co., Ltd


Title: Construction and exploration of physical Bookstore cultural mall

Guest:   Yu Zihao
Xi'an Xinhua Bookstore
Xi'an Qujiang Shanglin commercial operation management Co., Ltd
Executive Deputy General Manager  



6. New Elements Forum 

                 Host: Digital Creative Product Expert, Dr. Liang Gang


Host Introduces guests


Title: Modern digital technology reproduces the brilliance of traditional culture

Guest: Wei Haibo, Head of Beijing Chisujunyue Culture Communication Co., Ltd


Title: let photo books record life and convey warmth

Guest: Sang Zhaohui, Jinan Yimei culture media Co., Ltd, Deputy general manager 


Title: One book from printing, future market space

Guest: Konica Minolta office system China company course   Zhang Jing

                            7. Creative New Design Forum


Topic: From cultural space to unbounded space

Guest:  Liu Yalei, Hubei Zhihe Space design decoration Co., Ltd     


Title: design and transformation of scene theme Bookstore

Guest:  Li Qiangqiang
Chairman of Shenzhen Fashion Exhibition Co., Ltd  





(8) Construction and development of Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication - Tai’an Research Institute

Time: 09:30-11:30, October 14th
Venue: Mingliuge · Blossom Hotel


(9) On site activities in the exhibition area 
1. Site introduction, consultation, ordering and cooperation signing
2. Multiple sub venues of exhibitors will be held at the same time
3. Participate in the special sales of cultural and creative products
Location: Baosheng hall 1 and Baosheng hall 2 on the third floor of the hotel
Participants: exhibitors and representatives
(10) On site activities in the exhibition area · II
1.Xi'an Xinhua Bookstore product exchange meeting (Xi'an Xinhua Bookstore)  
Content: featured product promotion, product service content interpretation, service Business process; Distribution of materials and gifts.
2. People's Communications Press
 Content: better life, science and technology creation content: ppt introduction section The layout of the technology society to enter the film and television and cultural and creative industries; Video presentation Create film and television works.
3.Other exhibitors will be notified in separate documents.






Commissioner Wu Shulin touring the exhibition hall 


Photo of Guests 


Photo of Attendees from Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication


Conference Hall 



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